Mushroom Dijon Chicken Skillet

Mushroom Dijon Chicken Skillet

  I am so happy right now!  I’ve been outside in a tank top all morning shoveling dirt and getting my garden soil prepped for planting.  Yeah, I realize that sort of work isn’t necessarily fun for all but I LOVE it.  AND it’s only 

Asian Steak Tacos

Asian Steak Tacos

Spring break is starting tomorrow. Yep, TOMORROW.  Ever since college, spring break has always meant that it’s officially spring and time to bust out the warm weather clothes and go on vacation!  Okay, well, I’m not actually going on vacation. A girl can dream right?!?  Instead, my 

Korean Flank Steak

Korean Flank Steak

It’s raining!!!  Now I know that may not be all that exciting for most of you but when it’s February in Minnesota, rain is a very welcomed thing.  It means the snow is melting and Spring is soon to show her beautiful face. It was SUCH a 

Perfect Pad Thai

Perfect Pad Thai

Perfect Pad Thai. I know, the title is a bit presumptuous especially for a Scandinavian-German girl never trained in Thai cooking.  Nor do I have a Thai grandmother.  That said, I just have this thing for a truly authentic pad Thai.  Every Thai restaurant I ever go to 

Mediterranean Chicken Spaghetti Squash Bake

Mediterranean Chicken Spaghetti Squash Bake

Why has it taken three weeks to recover from the holiday season??  I’m guessing it has something to do with a full two months of busy-ness leading to I-just-want-to-do-nothing syndrome.  I’m still trying to catch my breath.  The outdoor temperatures here in Minnesota were comparable to 

Venison Stroganoff

Venison Stroganoff

Venison is a meat I grew up eating which harnesses a unique field to table flavor. It also carries a heaping dose of nostalgia.  My dad used to take me ice fishing when I was young with my brother and sister.  We would play endless rounds of card games 

Coconut Curry Chicken

Coconut Curry Chicken

T.G.I.F!!!!  This weekend has much to look forward too… more grape picking, more grape juice making (maybe some wine making), some fall cleanup and after the work is done, a trek to the pumpkin patch and a bonfire at my brother’s acreage.   My family is always such 

Summer Squash Taco Skillet

Summer Squash Taco Skillet

I’ve been in full on “harvest” mode the past few weeks grabbing boxes full of fresh tomatoes from the farmers market and freezing homemade tomato sauce for future use.  The scent of roasting squash has been wafting through my house while the kids cringe at 

Plum Pepper Chutney over Grilled Pork Chops

Plum Pepper Chutney over Grilled Pork Chops

I swear I must have been a prepper in a past life. My husband too for that matter.  Lately he’s all about doing/fixing/building/repurposing things for ourselves when he can and has decided to take up blacksmithing as a hobby. I am highly supportive of creative physical hobbies that also happen 

Chicken Shawarma Lettuce Wraps

Chicken Shawarma Lettuce Wraps

After many small moments of chaos last weekend, like the brakes not working properly on our moving truck (kind of a big deal), and then having the electricity taken out by a careless driver running into one of the poles and knocking down the transformer, we finally got moved in.  Normally,